RE/Catholic News
Y6 Lenten Acts of Kindness
Y6 pupils have brought in flowers and chocolate to give out to strangers
as random acts of kindness. As it is the Year of Hope, their gift tags say,
"Hope brings light in the darkness." (March 2025)
Y3 Lenten Fundraising
Y3 planned and ran their own stalls in the hall in order to raise
money during Lent, due to our duty to almsgive at this time of year. (March 2025)
Jubilee Logo comes to St Edward's
We received the Jubilee Logo of Hope from St Joseph's, Wetherby
and had a lovely service with them. (March 2025)
We then took the Logo on to St John's School for the Deaf and had a lovely service with them too.
Stations of the Cross
Y6 pupils marked the season of Lent by praying the Stations
of the Cross at church. This was led by Fr Sean. (March 2025)
Y6 Class Charity
Y6 class charity is St Gemma's hospice. They collected their unneeded
toys and games and donated them to St Gemma's charity shop. (Feb 2025)
Y6 Apprentice Challenge
From October half-term 2024 to January 2025, our Y6 pupils
set up and ran their own business to raise money for charity. The
21 pupils raised over £3000 between them.
Senior Parishioners Christmas Party
We held our annual Christmas party for our senior parishioners
and our grandparents. Some of our Faith in Action pupils served our
guests and all pupils came to sing to them. (Dec 2024)
Advent Presentation: Child of Hope
This year's whole school Advent Presentation was based on hope to
help introduce the Jubilee Year of Hope 2025. (Dec 2025)
Christmas Jumper Day
We wore our Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save the Children.
(Dec 2025)
Remembrance Prayers:
As part of the Year of Prayer, we invited parents and family into
the hall to join us for Remembrance Day prayers. We wrote the names of people
we want to remember on poppies, placed them on display and also prayed for them all week. (Nov 2024)
St Edward's Feast Day Mass and 50th Anniversary Celebrations:
To celebrate our Feast day we held a special Mass in school, planned
by our Faith in Action pupils. Then on the Sunday (the actual Feast Day) we
held a celebration in school after Mass for the 50th anniversary of the school being
opened on the current site. (October 2024)
Pupils played for us during the Mass:
The Party Celebrations:
Y6 trip to Cathedral:
Y6 visited St Anne's Cathedral as part of our RE visits programme.
They learnt about its history and viewed the relics which include
the skull of Ralph Grimston with whom our own church has strong links. (October 2024)
Y6 Visit to York: Y6 visited York on Pilgrimage, going to the Bar Convent,
St Margaret Clitheroe's Shrine and the York Minster. (Sept 2024)
Clifford Church's Heritage Day:
Groups of Faith in Action pupils visited the church's in Clifford
on their Heritage Day. They also acted as welcomers at St Edward's. (Sept 2024)
Virtue Awards 2024:
At the end of the year one child become the "Child of ...Virtue" for each
of our 8 virtues due to displaying that virtue all year. (July 2024)
Y6 Retreat:
Y6 took part in a day-long end of year retreat at St John's School for
the Deaf. In the morning we looked at the theme of "Journeys" and in the afternoon
concentrated on the Beatitudes. (July 2024)
Prayer Week 2024:
In June we collapsed the curriculum and held a themed week on
prayer due to this being the "Year of Prayer" ahead of next year's Jubilee.
The children learnt about what Jesus taught about prayer and did lots of:
drama, art, craft, music, dance and liturgical movement on this theme. (June 2024)
Y4 Post-Communion Retreat:
Y4 enjoyed a retreat at St John's School for the Deaf to celebrate their First
Communion. We looked at the theme of "Gifts" and recognised the Eucharist as
God's Greatest Gist to us. (June 2024)
Class 5 Charity:
Year 5 collected items for their class charity, the St Vincent de Paul
Centre in Leeds. A group of Mini Vinnies then took the items down to the shop. (June 2024)
Class 3 Charity:
Class 3 turned our annual Fun Run into a sponsored event for their class charity, "Candlelighters."
They raised a huge £973. (June 2024)
Class 2 Church Visit:
Year 2 visited our parish church as part of their RE Curriculum, learning all
about the different parts of the church and items within it, plus what they are
used for. (May 2024)
Visit to Marian Shrine:
Our Faith in Action children joined other Catholic schools for mass and a visit to
Our Lady's shrine at the Cragg. (May 2024)
Marian Mass:
We held our annual Marian Mass, which was planned by our Faith in Action
Y6 pupils and at which they crowned a statue of Our Lady. (May 2024)
Passion Play 2024:
Y6 once again re-enacted the Passion of Christ in a moving and
beautiful way. (March 2024)
Washing of the Feet: We re-enacted the washing of the feet during our annual
celebration of Maundy Thursday. (March 2024)
Lent Giving: During Lent, Y6 brought in flowers and chocolates to give out
in the village as "random acts of kindness." Y6 used their own money or earnt the
money for this themselves. (March 2024)
Stations of the Cross: Fr Sean led Y6 in praying the Stations of the
Cross during Lent. (March 2024)
Lenten Activities: Each of the KS2 classes planned and ran stalls and games in the
hall to raise money for charity during Lent. They raised £604.50. (Lent 2024)
Music Players at Mass: Two of our young musicians played with staff at the
parish-school Epiphany Mass in church. (Jan 24)
Apprentice Project 203/24
Y6 once again set up and ran their own business from October half-term
until the start of January. They raised over £3000 for charity by doing this and
learnt lots of skills. (Oct 23-Jan 24)
Advent Presentation 2023: Child of Virtue
This year's whole-school Advent Presentation was based on our Virtues.
Y1 took the Nativity parts as usual with various children showing their
talents in singing, drama and liturgical dance. (Dec 2023)
Wreath Making:
Y5 and Y6 made their own Advent Wreaths, learning about the symbols
and their meaning as they did so. (Nov 2023)
Class 4 Charity - Martin House:
Class 4 organised a collection of goods for their chosen class charity, Martin House
and then took their collection down to the Martin House Charity Shop. (December 2023)
Christmas Jumper Day:
Children and staff took part in Christmas Jumper Day
to raise funds for Save the Children. (December 2023)
Advent Calendars for Foodbank:
Pupils donated chocolate Advent calendars for the Foodbank - some
of them delivered them there in the 1st December so that children would get one
at the start of Advent. (December 2023)
Class 6 Charity Ride:
C6 have chosen St Gemma's Hospice as their class charity this year. They decided to cycle the distance
between Boston Spa and Lucca in Italy (birthplace of St Gemma) to raise money for this charity.
They cycled 880 miles and raised £735. Well done! (October 2023)
Virtue Awards 2023:
At the end of the year, one of our pupils was chosen as the "Person of ..." for each
of our 8 key Virtues. These awards are given annually.
Y6 End of Year Retreat:
Y6 attend a full day retreat at the end of their time in primary school. Held at
St John's School for the Deaf, the pupils reflect on the theme of Journeys and on the Beatitudes.
Pictured are some of them presenting their liturgical dance on the Beatitudes. (July 2023)
Class 5 support Class Charity:
Class 5 pupils collected unwanted items and took them down to St Gemma's charity shop
(St Gemma's hospice is their class charity). July 2023
Worship in the Prayer Garden:
Classes use the lovely prayer garden for their class worship on nice days in the summer -
Class 4 are pictured using it here (July 2023)
Good Shepherd Mass:
A group of our Mini Vinnies went to the Good Shepherd Mass and handed the Bishop
a cheque for over £1700 for Catholic Care. This money was raised from Apprentice and Lenten Activities. (May 2023)
Y6 Plays for Y2 Collective Worship
One of our Y6 pupils learnt to play a hymn on the piano that Y2 had learnt
in their RE lessons. She then played it for them in their end of term collective worship. (May 2023)
Faith in Action visit to Marian Shrine:
Our Y6 group joined other Catholic schools for mass, a procession to the
Chapel of Our Lady of the Cragg, a short service there and private prayer inside the shrine. (May 2023)
Marian Mass:
We enjoyed a whole school mass with parishioners to celebrate Our Lady. Our Faith in Action
pupils planned the mass (readings, Gospel, wrote bidding prayers and choreographed a liturgical dance).
All of Y6 took part in a procession and crowned a statue of Mary. (May 2023)
St Edward's Crowns:
For the coronation of the new king, we made our own crowns. Many children
were inspired to make a St Edward's crown as he is our patron saint. We all also
learnt about the links to St Edward in our class lessons. (May 2023)
Mini Vinnie Party Day:
Our Mini Vinnie group invited the Mini Vinnies from St Joseph's, Wetherby
and the adult members of our parish SVP to a party/activity afternoon to celebrate
the birthday of St Vincent de Paul. (April 2023)
Passion Play:
Y6 performed a beautiful Passion Play for the whole school and the parish at Easter. (March 2023)
Veneration of the Cross
As part of our annual celebration of the Easter Triidium, we venerated the cross
as part of our worship.
Washing of the Feet
We celebrated Maundy Thursday in school, including re-enacting Jesus'
washing of the Feet.
Y6 Gift Giving in Lent:
During Lent Y6 brought flowers and chocolates to give out to locals
just to make them happy. (March 2023)
Mini Vinnie Food Bank Visit
Some of the Mini Vinnies visited, and were put to work, in the Wetherby
Foodbank warehouse. They then reported back to all the other Mini Vinnies in school. (Spring 2023)
Mini Vinnie Easter Stall 2023
The Mini Vinnies made baskets and bought treats to fill them in order
to run a tombola to raise money for charity.
Lenten Activities
KS2 planned and ran stalls in the hall to raise money for charity
during Lent. (2023)
Pupils play in Worship
Our first pupils played during worship, rather than just playing us in,
during our Lenten Reconciliation Service, Lent 2023.
Pupil Lead Whole School Prayers
Members of the Y6 Faith in Action group continue to take their turn planning
and leading Whole School Collective Worship.
Apprentice Fundraising Oct 22-Jan 23
Once again, Y6 set up and ran their own businesses for 10 weeks
in order to raise money for charity. They raised almost £3000. Congratulations!
Outstanding RE Inspection 2019: Following our recent RE Inspection (Section 48) we have been graded "outstanding" overall and "outstanding" for each element judged, namely: Catholic Life, Religious Education, and Collective Worship. The school was also judged to be "outstanding" for each aspect of those three elements. We are very happy with this report, which reflects how well we all work together (school, home and parish) to promote the Catholic ethos and teachings. Below you can read and enjoy our glowing report!
Latest RE Inspection Report (2019)