School Events
Please find below a list of our important school dates. You can also look at our school calendar section for the school holidays for the current and next year.
3rd February - Some Mini Vinnies will visit the Wetherby Foodbank Warehouse this afternoon.
6th February - European Day: On our annual themed day, pupils will learn about a European country and culture.
12th February - Class 3 trip to York as part of RE, History and Geography studies. They will visit St Mary's Abbey, the Yorvik Centre and will do a field study of York.
13th February - YF Stay and Play: Come along in the morning and play alongside your child.
24th February - Y5 Brass Brigade lessons begin, led by St John Fisher music department.
26th February - Class 1 visit to Tropical World as part of their science curriculum.
5th March - Service in school for Ash Wednesday.
6th March - World Book Day
6th March - Y6 visit to church to pray the Stations of the Cross with Fr Sean
11th March - Jubilee Logo arrives at school (it leaves on the 12th)
12th March - Class 5 trip to the Thackray Museum.
12th March - Y6 Rugby Competition.
13th March - Fair Trade Day: Today pupils will learn all about Fair Trade and why we should buy Fair Trade products.
13th March - Lenten Reconciliation Service and Confessions in school.
15th March - Y3 make their First Reconciliation - 11.30am at church.
18th March - Y4 Skipping Festival in the afternoon, at Corpus Christi High School.
20th March - Fr Sean in school to hear remaining confessions.
1st April - Class 4 visit to the York Railway Museum as part of their history curriculum.
2nd April - Washing of the Feet at 9.05am
3rd April - Veneration of the Cross at 9.05am
4th April - Y6 present the Passion Play at 9.15am