Class F - Reception
Mrs Matthews
Curriculum Letter Spring 2025
Knowledge Organisers
Maths EYFS Numbers 1-4 Knowledge Organisers | EYFS - A2 - Knowledge Organiser - Space | EYFS - Spring - Knowledge Organiser - Frozen Planet | |
Snowzone Trip: YF had a great day out at Snowzone, including sledging down the slopes.
Bollywood Dancing: YF enjoyed their Indian Dance workshop, held as part of our International
International Week: In Class F the children learnt all about India. They made Indian tigers
and did Indian dancing with bindis on their heads.
YF Fun in the Classroom:
Building with construction:
Reading the Bibles:
Den Building:
Positive Psychology Week: YF gave gifts to their buddies in Y6 to show gratitude during
Positive Psychology Week.
YF pupils thought about how they would like to treat each other and be treated in class
and came up with their own class rules.
Class F have learnt all about what and who keeps them safe in school.
E-Safety: Pupils in Class F have learnt about how to be safe with devices/online.