Mini Vinnies
Easter Basket Tombola: The Mini Vinnies brought in chocolate treats to fill Easter baskets, which
they made and decorated. They ran a tombola at Y3sn Lenten Activities to raise money for Unicef. (March 2025)
Foodbank Warehouse Visit: Some of our Mini Vinnies visited the Foodbank Warehouse
in Thorp Arch and were put to work there. They found out all about it and then fed back
to the rest of the Mini Vinnies at school. (Feb 2025)
Pyjama Day: The Mini Vinnies organised a pyjama day in aid of Cancer Research.
They raised £250.15. (November 2024)
Collection for SVP Shop: Having seen that a St Vincent de Paul charity shop had
opened in Wetherby over the summer, the Mini Vinnies decided that their first act of the
year was to collect as many clothes as they could for the shop. (September 2024).
Mini Vinnies shop for Foodbank:
A group of Mini Vinnies took the £111 they raised from the summer cake sale, and went
shopping in Morrisons for the local Foodbank. (September 2024)
Mini Vinnie Commissioning Mass - September 2024:
Our Mini Vinnie group attended Mass at the cathedral to be re-commissioned for the year.
Some of our pupils had the honour of serving for the Bishop at this Mass.
Visit to SVP Centre, Leeds: A group of Mini Vinnies visited the SVP Centre to learn
all about their work and to sort food for their food bank. They also took the items Y5
had collected for the centre's shop. (July 2024)
Summer Cake Sale: The Mini Vinnies organised and ran a cake sale to raise money, which
will be spent in the Autumn buying food for the Food Bank. They raised £111 (July 2024)
Mini Vinnie Pyjama Day: The Mini Vinnies organised a pyjama day and raised £198.75 for their
chosen charity, "Crisis." (May 2024)
Mini Vinnie Easter Baskets: The Mini Vinnies made, filled and then ran a tombola of
their Easter Baskets at our Lenten Activities. They raised £203.74 for the charity, "Young Epilepsy." (March 2024)
Hot Chocolate Stall: The Mini Vinnies held a hot chocolate staff to raise money for Cafod.
They raised £158.30 selling hot chocolate over two break times. (Jan 2024)
Visit to Foodbank Warehouse: A group of our Mini Vinnies went to the Foodbank Warehouse
at Thorp Arch. They learnt all about their work and processes and then were put to work themselves,
dating donations and sorting food into the correct boxes. (Jan 2024)
Mission Christmas Appeal: The Mini Vinnies promoted the annual collection of gifts for under-privileged
children in Yorkshire, bringing in lots of items themselves. (Dec 2023)
Operation Christmas Child: The Mini Vinnies promoted the annual shoebox appeal and modelled the way
by bringing in lots of shoeboxes themselves. Some of them helped load up the van of all we had collected (Nov 2023)
Mini Vinnie Cake Stall: The Mini Vinnies chose to run an ever popular cake sale in order to raise money for Cancer
Research, thinking about the act of mercy, "to heal the sick." (October 2023)
Mini Vinnie Shopping for Foodbank: Some of our Mini Vinnies went to Morrisons to spend money raised in last term's
Readathon. The Mini Vinnies chose to support the Foodbank with this money so they could fulfil the act of mercy, "to feed the hungry."
The 4 shoppers fed back to the rest of the Mini Vinnies in their next meeting. (September 2023)
Uniform Collection: While at the SVP Centre our Mini Vinnies found out about their summer uniform "shop"
for struggling families. They wanted to support this so organised a school shoe collection at the end of the school year. (July 2023)
SVP Centre Visit: Some of our Mini Vinnies visited the SVP Centre in Leeds, finding out all about their work.
They then reported back to the rest of the Mini Vinnie group. ((June 2023)
Summer Term cake stall: The Mini Vinnies held another of their very popular cake sales at the end
of half-term. (May 2023)
SVP Birthday: Our Mini Vinnies invited the Mini Vinnies from St Joseph's, Wetherby and members of our
own parish SVP into school to celebrate the birthdays of St Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frederic Ozumun.
We sang, prayed, took part in quizes and activities and of course ate lots of party food. (April 2023)
Food Bank Visit: A group of our Mini Vinnies visited the Wetherby Foodbank Warehouse. They were put to work there
and found out all about what they do and how they help. Back at school the group fed back to the rest of the Mini Vinnies.
(March 2023)
Easter Basket Tombola: The Mini Vinnies made Easter baskets, filled them with chocolates they donated
and then ran a tombola stall at our Lenten Activities, raising money for Shelter. (March 2023)
Mini Vinnie Christmas Gifts Appeal: Each year the Mini Vinnies organise, promote and model the bringing in
of gifts for local children, who otherwise wouldn't receive anything for Christmas. Here they are loading up
some of this year's gifts. (Dec 2022)
Mini Vinnie Christmas Shoe-box Appeal: Each year our Mini Vinnies organise and promote the Operation
Christmas Child Shoe-box appeal for poor children abroad. (Nov 2022)
Talk from SVP: One of our parish SVP members visited out meeting to talk about their work in the parish.
The children presented her with a cheque of money raised for them from the Mini Vinnies who took part in the SVP Walk. (Oct 2022)
Autumn Cake Stall: The Mini Vinnies organised and ran another very popular cake stall for charity! (Oct 2022)
Mini Vinnie Shopping: Some of our Mini Vinnies went shopping for the Food Bank with money the group
had raised. They thought about the different food that people would need for different meals. (Sept 22)
SVP Walk: Some of our Mini Vinnies took part in this year's SVP Walk, raising much needed funds for the Leeds
SVP Centre. (Sept 2022)
Recommissioning Mass 2022-23: The Mini Vinnies attended the mass at the cathedral with the Bishop to
be commissioned for the new school year.
Mini Vinnie Cake Stall: Our Mini Vinnies ran a cake stall in the summer term, raising money for Disasters
Emergency Committee. (July 2022)
Mini Vinnie Pajama Day: The Mini Vinnies organised a pajama day to raise money for their chosen charity. (June 2022)
Mini Vinnie Shoe-Box Appeal: Each year our Mini Vinnies organise and promote the Christmas Shoe-box appeal
for Operation Christmas Child. (Nov 2021)
Mini Vinnie Cake Stall: The Mini Vinnies started the year with a cake stall to raise money for Martin House Hospice. (Oct 2021)