Faith in Action
Lenten Acts of Kindness: Faith in Action Pupils brought in flowers and chocolates to give
away to strangers in our village as acts of kindness, with a message of hope. (March 2025)
Pilgrimage to St John's: A group of Faith in Action pupils made a pilgrimage to St John's
carrying our school banner and the Jubilee Logo of Hope. (March 2025)
Stations of the Cross: The Faith in Action pupils prayed the Stations of the Cross receiving
credits for their Prayer section of the award. (March 2025)
Y6 Pupils lead whole school prayers: Some of our Faith in Action pupils plan and lead Whole
School Collective Worship. (Ongoing)
Senior Parishioners Christmas Party: Some of our Faith in Action pupils served the senior parishioners
at the annual Christmas party. (Dec 2024)
Visit to the Cathedral: The Faith in Action pupils visited St Anne's Cathedral as part of
their Pilgrimage and Procession element. (October 2024)
St Edward's Feast Day Mass: The Faith in Action group planned the: readings, Gospel,
wrote the Psalm and wrote the Bidding Prayers for this special Mass. (October 2024) Former
priest, Fr Ingwell said Mass for us alongside Fr Sean.
Trip to York: The Faith in Action went on our annual trip to York in search of our team saints.
They visited the Bar Convent, St Margaret Clitheroe Shrine and the York Minster. (September 2024)
Clifford Church's Heritage Day: Groups of Faith in Action pupils visited the church's in Clifford
on this day. They also acted as welcomers at St Edward's. (September 2024)
Rosary: During May, our Faith in Action pupils learnt about and prayed the Rosary. (May 2024)
Crowning of Our Lady: In a special Marian Mass, planned by the Faith in Action pupils, they processed
and crowned Our Lady. (May 2024)
Visit to Marian Shrine: Our Faith in Action pupils (which is all of Y6) joined other schools for mass at
St Mary's in Knaresborough, then processed up to the shrine of Our Lady of the Cragg, where they prayed
the rosary and entered the cave for personal prayer. (May 2024)
Senior Parishioners Christmas Party: Some of our Faith in Action pupils acted as welcomers
and servers at our annual Christmas party for our senior parishioners, who praised them for their
wonderful manners and kindness. (December 2023)
Visit to St Anne's Cathedral: Our Y6 pupils, who are all doing Faith in Action this year, visited our
Diocesan cathedral on pilgrimage and to learn about its history and religious significance. They
saw the relics of Blessed Peter Snow and Blessed Ralph Grimston, the latter of whom has links to
St Edward's in Clifford. (October 2023)
Silver Readers: For the second year running, some of our Faith in Action group act as Silver
Readers to some elderly, "Silver Listeners," reading them stories over the phone and having
a welcome chat with them weekly.
Pilgrimage to York: This year all of our Y6 pupils have elected to do Faith in Action, so they all came on
our annual trip to York in search of our team saints. They visited the Bar Convent, the shrine to Margaret Clitheroe,
and the York Minster, where they found our other three saints. (September 2023)
Praying the Rosary: The FIA children learnt how to pray the Rosary and prayed this during May for their
FIA Award. (May 2023)
Visit to the Chapel of Our Lady of the Cragg: Our FIA group joined pupils from St John Fisher High School
and other feeder primaries in a Marian mass at St Mary's Church before walking up to the shrine, where they
had a short service. After this they had time inside the shrine to light a candle and say their private prayers to Our Lady. (May 2023)
Crowning of Our Lady: The FIA group took part in the Crowning of Our Lady
at the Marian Mass. (May 2023)
FIA Planned the Mass: The FIA children planned the Marian Mass, including the readings, psalm, Gospel, writing the
bidding prayers and planning a liturgical dance. Here some of them are practising the dance. (May 2023)
FIA lead Whole School Worship 2022-23: All of our Y6 FIA pupils have planned and lead whole
school collective worship this year.
Pilgrimage to Relics of St Bernadette: Faith in Action pupils and all of Y6 visited Leeds Cathedral to view
and pray in front of St Bernadette's relics. They also learnt all about St Bernadette and Lourdes. (Oct 2022)
Pilgrimage to York: The FIA group visited York in search of our team saints: they
found Margaret Clitheroe's relic at the Bar Convent and visited both where she lived and
where she died. They found a triptych including saints Edwin and Hilda in the York Minster's crypt
and visited the tomb of St William of York there. (Sept 2022)