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St Edward's

Catholic Primary School

01937 843946

Through God's Grace we grow and learn.

Class 6 - Year 6


International Dance Workshop: Y6 were excellent at the moves in their Bollywood themed
dance workshop.

Science in Y6: During their topic about Circulation, Y6 dissected and studied the heart of a pig.

International Week: Y6 learnt all about the country and culture of Jamaica in our annual themed week.

Positive Psychology Week in Y6:

They worked with their buddies on Positive Self-talk posters:

They made bookmarks filled with compliments for each other.

They wrote poetry and sent it out to our neighbours.

They explored their own talents and celebrated them.

C6 Online Safety:
C6 thought about what and who keeps them safe and used the SMART features to identify what to do online to stay safe. 

I Feel Safe:
Pupil examined what keeps them safe both in and outside of school and also how to report things if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

Rules:  Y6 started the year by looking at the rules they wanted to have in class and also at the 
British Values and how these relate to rules.




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